Kurtina Hammerlein

Lawyer, J. Quaglia Law Office

About Kurtina Hammerlein

Kurtina started her own general practice of law in 2003. Kurtina joined J. Quaglia Law in 2013. Kurtina manages the firm’s wills and estates department. She takes the time to speak with every person contacting our office with a will enquiry. Kurtina explains the process of developing a plan to address a client’s future incapacity or physical/mental decline. Kurtina is very knowledgeable when it comes to Henson Trusts and the appropriate circumstances around implementing those clauses within your documentation.  She takes time to understand the client’s unique family circumstances and explains the process of developing a tax efficient plan to administer the client’s affairs on death. Kurtina collaborates with our client’s accountants, business lawyers, and business valuators to develop family trusts and complex dual wills in order to address the distribution of business assets or farm properties on death. Kurtina is uniquely well suited to preparing a will for existing clients or new clients.

Contact Kurtina Hammerlein about adding a charitable gift to your Will

[email protected] 519-352-8580