Accueil Bonneau Foundation

Social Service


Accueil Bonneau is a non-profit organization based in Montreal that has been committed to providing essential services to some of our city’s most vulnerable people since 1877. Our mission has not changed since the beginning: to respond to people’s basic needs, whether it be a nutritious meal, clothing or safe shelter, while supporting them in developing a better quality of life.

We go beyond emergency accommodation. We offer continual support, 365 days a year, including health care, financial management assistance, housing with psychosocial support, and many other essential services. Accueil Bonneau is a focal point for people experiencing homelessness or at risk, from all regions of Quebec. We strongly believe that providing housing with psychosocial support, rather than just an overnight bed, is key to breaking the cycle of homelessness.

Accueil Bonneau is the oldest resource in homelessness prevention services still operating in Quebec. We are also the most recognized organization in French-speaking America for our support for people in precarious situations. Our “Housing First” approach goes beyond simply providing a roof. We think it is just as essential to help our participants obtain as maintain housing. That is why, for the past 25 years, we have developed a range of housing options, along with community services, including health care and assistance with managing personal finances.

At Accueil Bonneau, we are dedicated to transforming lives. Our history, ongoing commitment, and vision of a future where each individual can achieve their full potential, regardless of the challenges they face, are what motivate us each day.

Our Impact

At Accueil Bonneau, we open our doors every day to hundreds of unhoused people.

As the most well-known organization in French-speaking America for almost 150 years, today, well beyond offering temporary accommodation, Accueil Bonneau represents:

  • Over 300 previously unhoused people living in homes with support services.
  • The largest real estate project on the same site in the fight against homelessness and poverty in Quebec.
  • 600 people housed by 2026: Our objective is clear and ambitious, housing and supporting double the number of people in the years to come.

50 years after its creation, in 2023, we will expand our financial trust service from 100 to 400 people, as well as contributing to the development of a regional model to provide similar services across the entire city.

At Accueil Bonneau, we do not measure success by numbers, but by transformed lives. Each person we help regain their dignity brings us closer to our vision of a world where everyone can realize their full potential. Everything is possible thanks to your continued support and dedication to our community.

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Legal Name

Fondation Accueil Bonneau

Charity Number

850799081 RR 0001

How your gift will be used

Your generosity enables us to provide a healthy and stable environment to 450 people, thereby preventing a return to homelessness.

By 2026, we have set ourselves the ambitious goal of housing and supporting 600 people. It is an objective we are pursuing with determination, knowing that each person housed is a victory for human dignity.

Your donation is an opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to a more equitable society. By investing in Accueil Bonneau, you are supporting a proactive approach to solving the problem of homelessness.

Every donation, no matter the amount, is one step closer to a future where no one has to live on the street. With your support, you directly contribute to transforming lives. Every dollar you invest in Accueil Bonneau has a profound impact on the lives of people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Your financial donation contributes directly to our essential services. It ensures that each person we welcome benefits from a nutritious meal, safe shelter and support towards a better quality of life. Every dollar invested strengthens our ability to help those who need it most. Thank you for helping us build a more supportive and caring future for all.

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