Big Brothers Big Sisters of Waterloo Region is a community organization committed to helping children and youth achieve their full potential. We offer a wide range of Mentoring programs to children, ages 6-16, who live in Waterloo Region and face adversity.
All of our programs are child centered and offered to families and youth free of cost. We have skilled staff and volunteers who collaborate to deliver impactful service for kids and their families.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Waterloo Region has been offering Mentoring programs for over 60 years! Our programs have grown and we now offer 3 school based programs and 3 community based programs.
Our Impact
Many young people find themselves in vulnerable situations and facing adversities such as mental health issues, family violence, identity issues or poor living conditions, which put these youth at risk of not reaching their full potential.
With the guidance and support of a mentor, these risks can be avoided, and these young people can gain the confidence to achieve more – higher incomes, happier lives, more contributions to their communities.
Our mentors advise and challenge these young people, act as their champions, provide greater consistency in their lives, connect them to broader experiences, opportunities and networks, and provide safe, nonjudgmental environments where the child can grow to reach their potential.
Big Brothers Big Sisters Mentoring programs lead to a reduction in poverty, reduction in unemployment, safer schools and safer neighbourhoods. Youth in our programs are 50% more likely to volunteer, have a 20% higher graduation rate, 90% report being happy and confident, 87% have strong social relationships, 80% pursue healthy lifestyles and 88% show higher literacy skills.