Hydrocephalus Canada



Hydrocephalus Canada has been championing the spina bifida and hydrocephalus community for 51 years driving leadership and service. We thank everyone in our community for helping us to continue to offer the services to support those living with spina bifida and hydrocephalus.

At Hydrocephalus Canada, we are grounded by 3 guiding statements:

Our Mission

Connecting the spina bifida and hydrocephalus communities across Canada through services, support, education, awareness and research.

Our Vision

A future without spina bifida and hydrocephalus.


Hydrocephalus Canada (HC) is the trusted source for compassionate, progressive and innovative solutions that drive efforts to:

  • Develop a Canadian strategy; to increase awareness about hydrocephalus and spina bifida
  • Create solutions that support prevention, early and accurate diagnosis and access to appropriate treatment, advancement of new treatments and optimal outcomes
  • Develop, establish, enhance and maintain education and awareness resources and encourage inclusive supportive hydrocephalus and spina bifida communities

Fund Impactful Research

Hydrocephalus Canada has a devoted staff and a strong, diverse and innovative Board of Directors with legal, financial, scientific, media and not for profit experience. It is counselled by a Medical Advisory Board (MAB) comprised of experts who specialize in hydrocephalus and spina bifida, and who are known and respected internationally. As the authoritative voice of Canadians living with hydrocephalus and/or spina bifida, we help those impacted by conditions to not only survive but thrive.

Our Impact

Hydrocephalus Canada advocates for solutions to support prevention, early and accurate diagnosis and access to appropriate treatment for optimal outcomes and ultimately a cure. Our organization offers quality, researched information involving all areas of the conditions, developing education and support tools for those diagnosed, their caregivers and healthcare professionals. Our programs encourage independence, self-esteem and offer a community of support for families and individuals to encourage everyone in living their best life.



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Legal Name

Hydrocephalus Canada

Charity Number

10799 9310 RR0001

How your gift will be used

Your gift will help create a safe, supportive and informative space for individuals and families living with hydrocephalus and/or spina bifida now and in the future.

Our programs respond to the unique needs of children, adults, their families and caregivers impacted by these neurological conditions. Our staff and volunteers assist those in need through direct personal support, peer linking, guidance to help cope with the challenges that may arise on the journey.  Our education programs include webinars with expert speakers from the medical and disability community as well as those with lived experience. Our toll-free helpline and social media presence ensures no one feels alone or isolated. We offer youth financial support through our scholarship and bursary programs to pursue post-secondary education. Along with our core programs of support and education, we emphasis proactive solutions and public awareness activities. Hydrocephalus Canada also believes in supporting research to finding a cure for both conditions and for improving the quality of life for people with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus and their circle of support.


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