Christy Kelly, CPA, CA, CFP, RRC

Financial Consultant, Investors Group Financial Services Inc.

About Christy Kelly

Creating wealth. Protecting income. Preserving estates. Legacy focused.

I believe that giving is more than writing a cheque; strategic philanthropy unites one’s passion and values to maximize impact.

*Are you maximizing tax saving strategies to meet all your wealth transfer and charitable legacy wishes?
*Is the value of your estate protected?

With 20+ years of financial and charitable foundation experience, I am proficient in creating charitable tax planning strategies that inspire donors to maximize bequests while reducing taxes and enable them to leave greater inheritances for beneficiaries.

I am passionate about investing in community.
My mother’s life of advocacy and volunteerism inspires me to serve, as inscribed on her kitchen wall and the values she taught me: “…to leave the world a better place than you found it.”

“The Secret to Living is Giving” – Tony Robbins

Typical Clients

I specialize in sophisticated wealth management, including holistic retirement and tax planning, risk management, and legacy strategies, for private clients, foundations, entertainers, athletes, corporations, executives, social entrepreneurs, professionals, and business owners.

Contact Christy Kelly about adding a charitable gift to your Will

[email protected] 519-386-4880 Christy's website