Florence Carey, BA, LLB, TEP, ICD.D

Lawyer, F I Carey Law Corporation

About Florence Carey

Florence Carey focuses her work on charities and non-profits. An experienced lawyer, Florence has 20+ years of experience and provides solid legal advice to help organizations incorporate, create by-laws, and apply for charitable status, as well as navigate Canada Revenue Agency regulation and governance challenges.

She also works with charities with respect to their policies and practices around fundraising, including planned giving policies and programs.  When there is a question about receiving a planned gift, she provides any needed advice and assistance.

Florence also assists individuals who want to make philanthropic planned gifts.  She works with financial planners or accountants to ensure the best tax results, and assists with gift documentation or Will clauses. She also assists with the establishment and registration of private foundations.

Typical Clients

  • Charities and non-profits, including incorporations and applications for charity status
  • Philanthropic individuals and families making a planned gift or establishing a private foundation
  • Charities with questions about policies or receiving a planned gift
  • Boards of Directors with questions about charity governance and regulation

Contact Florence Carey about adding a charitable gift to your Will

[email protected] (204) 612-1070