James Dunne, CFP

Family Office Advisor, Markdale Financial Management

About James Dunne

James Dunne is the founder of Markdale Financial Management, a Toronto-based family office providing personal CFO services to philanthropists who are transitioning wealth over generations. With a firm belief that wealth should serve as a tool for impact and purpose, James has built a career centered around clarity, accountability, and long-term values-aligned investing.

James is a member of the Canadian Association of Gift Planners and Philanthropic Foundations Canada. His personal hero is George Brown and he is a Trustee of the George Brown Memorial Foundation.

Typical Clients

James serves families who value philanthropy. A typical client is a wealthy family who values investing with purpose and sustaining their charitable legacy. James’ clients are multi-generational families who aim to ensure their wealth supports both their lifestyle and their charitable goals. James helps his clients manage multiple holding companies and trusts, including their family foundations and donor advised fund accounts. And as personal CFO, James helps his clients organize and simplify their financial life to enhance the impact their wealth can have.

Free Consultation

Contact James Dunne about adding a charitable gift to your Will

[email protected] 416 602 9209 James's website