Jane Lapointe, CPCA, MFA-P

Senior Wealth Manager, Assante Financial Management Ltd.

About Jane Lapointe

Jane Lapointe has always believed in the power of the individual to affect change – be that in her professional role as Partner and Senior Wealth Advisor, or in her volunteer capacity as community advocate.

Jane’s primary business focus is:

  • In working with individuals & families as they age
  • In working with individuals as they become caregivers
  • In working with individuals & families to realize their legacy through efficient wealth transfer and philanthropic giving

Jane is accredited as a Certified Professional Consultant on Aging (CPCA) and Master Financial Advisor of Philanthropy (MFA-P).

Typical Clients

  • Families and individuals seeking a roadmap to aging well across generations and community
  • Families and individuals who value their community and give of their time and money

Contact Jane Lapointe about adding a charitable gift to your Will

[email protected] (613) 877-3985 Jane's website