Jay Stark, B.Comm, CFP, MFA-P, CKA

Wealth Advisor, Sutton Wealth Planning

About Jay Stark

Jay is a recognized financial educator, author, speaker, and retirement planner with a specialized focus on philanthropy. You may have seen him on CTV Saskatoon, in The Star Phoenix, The Globe and Mail and Thrive magazine.  Jay has released two special reports, “Charitable? 7 Pitfalls to Avoid when Donating to Charities,” and “Is Now The Opportune Time To Upgrade Your Lifestyle (And Your Financial Advisor)?” which are available through Sutton Wealth Planning.

As a partner, a Certified Financial Planner professional, and the president of Sutton Wealth Planning, Jay has been successfully advising individuals, families, and business owners on how to significantly reduce income and estate taxes for more than 25 years. His expertise has helped hundreds of families realize their goals of an Abundant Retirement while giving back and creating a lasting legacy.

Jay co-created the Abundant Retirement Process out of his passion for helping people fulfill their true potential and influence their families and communities in a meaningful way. Through his own experience – from meeting his family’s sponsored child in Nicaragua through Compassion Canada, to being a Kinsmen member and working behind the scenes on their Telemiracle committee – he has seen first-hand the impact we can have.

After graduating with a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Saskatchewan in 1997, he began his career in the financial services industry. He has earned his Philanthropy Designation (MFA-P™) and is a member of the Canadian Association of Gift Planners, Saskatchewan chapter, which focuses on growth and development of strategic charitable gift planning in Canada. He has also earned his Christian Financial Counsellor designation (CKA) and is an active director on the Saskatoon Community Foundation Board.

Jay married his high school sweetheart and they enjoy time with their two lovely daughters.

Typical Clients

Philanthropic Families – looking for guidance to balance passing on their wealth and wisdom to their families and the greater community.

Mature Philanthropic Couples – who support charities with their time, talent, and treasure, and want to delegate the management of their wealth to a like-minded guide.

Widows – looking for guidance to take control of their finances as they navigate the difficult transition to widowhood so they can enjoy their wealth, and pass it on in an honouring and impactful way to benefit their families and causes they care about.

Business Founders in Transitionlooking for guidance transitioning out of their lifework through a vision that will ensure they finish strong, enjoying the fruits of their lifework and sharing it with those they love and have supported them in their business.  

Book A Complimentary Consultation Now

No obligation.  No pressure.  Just an honest conversation about what is important to you and some insights and potential opportunities to help you take care of your family while making a difference for the causes you care about.

Free Consultation

Contact Jay Stark about adding a charitable gift to your Will

[email protected] 13069345540 Jay's website