A river flows over a rocky rapid between two forested banks

Atlantic Salmon Federation



Wild Salmon, Wild Rivers – At ASF, we work for this every day. We are a world-leading science and advocacy organization with headquarters in New Brunswick, Canada. We are a family of more than 25,000 members and volunteers across North America that are passionate about conserving and restoring wild Atlantic salmon and the places they call home. We conduct research on wild salmon throughout the North Atlantic, perform complex river restoration projects, and advocate for legislation that will protect wild Atlantic salmon.

Our Impact

For over 75 years we’ve worked to protect and restore wild Atlantic salmon, halting the steep decline of these fish in eastern North America.

  • we’ve re-opened over 25,562 acres of freshwater habitat and reconnected over 1710 km to the ocean for salmon and other sea-run fish species;
  • with our international partners, established the groundbreaking Greenland Conservation Agreement and helped make the Greenland fishery one of the most modern and best-reported in the world;
  • built a 20 year database on smolt migration that provided key knowledge of population levels and fish behaviour – key evidence to positively shift management policies;
  • Secured key cold water and headwater habitat in NB’s Nature Legacy protection program as part of Canada’s 30X30 campaign

and much more! Visit www.asf.ca for more details of our latest work.

See what your legacy could be

Talk to Atlantic Salmon Federation about a legacy gift

Legal Name

Atlantic Salmon Federation (Canada)

Charity Number

11879 6150 RR0001

How your gift will be used

Your generous gift – whether it is cash, stock or bonds, an RRSP, life insurance, or other type of planned gift – will accelerate our Research, Headwaters and Wild Salmon Watersheds programs in Eastern Canada. Your gift will fund:

  • Research into salmon behaviour, habitat changes, climate modelling, and threats that provide evidence for our advocacy work
  • Restoration projects to open barriers in rivers and streams, help cold water flow freely, and enhance fish habitat, sending more healthy salmon to sea
  • long-term, resilient Wild Salmon Watersheds, like you can see here on the Terra Nova River

and more! You can find out more about our work at www.asf.ca.

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