Mission Services of London Foundation stewards and grants funding to Mission Services of London, a Christian faith-based organization founded in 1951.
Committed to serving London and area with compassion and dignity, Mission Services of London assists individuals and families, regardless of background or faith, who struggle with poverty, homelessness, addiction, and mental illness. Through three sites of service, the organization provides safe shelter, nutritious meals, clothing, outreach support, counselling—and hope for a different tomorrow.
“Being part of Mission Services of London fits with who I am,” says Doreen. “My mother set an example by giving to a cause she believed in. I’ve put time and energy into volunteering here over the years. A legacy gift means my work can continue. It’s the right thing for me”.
– Doreen Garrett, Legacy Donor
Our Impact
Mission Services of London’s services include:
Men’s Mission – An emergency shelter for men experiencing homelessness as well as a transitional residence for men requiring longer-term support. In addition to meals and accommodation, Men’s Mission offers optional counselling, voluntary spiritual care, clothing, and more.
Rotholme Family Shelter – A safe place for families in need of emergency shelter and care. Caseworkers provide counselling and support to help clients transition to stable housing and achieve self-identified goals.
Quintin Warner House – A live-in addiction treatment home that offers a four-month intensive program and continuum of care for men. Optional post-graduation services include aftercare support, transitional housing, and referrals to community resources.
Community Mental Health Programs (CMHP) – Outreach services for those who are experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, homelessness and struggle with mental illness or addiction. CMHP also provides a Resource Centre with computer and phone access.
Mission Store – A thrift store offering clothing, household items, and more at affordable prices. The store also runs an Emergency Voucher Program to provide people in need with basic items at no cost, as well as the Warm Hands–Warm Hearts Outreach Program to equip school children with warm winter clothing.
To learn more, please visit missionservices.ca.