Immigrant Women Services Ottawa (IWSO)

Social Service


Immigrant Women Services Ottawa (IWSO) exists to provide immigrant and racialized women and their families in the City of Ottawa and the surrounding area with the supports and tools to achieve their full potential as members of Canadian society and participate in the elimination of all forms of abuse against women and children.

IWSO endeavors to:

  • Eliminate of all forms of abuse against women and children
  • Achieve social and economic equality for immigrant and racialized women
  • Empower immigrant and racialized women
  • Provide culturally responsive crisis counselling services
  • Offer language interpretation service which facilitate women’s access to mainstream services
  • Administer a plethora of services & programs that assist immigrant women in their journey

Our Impact

For over 30 years, IWSO has been meeting the needs of immigrant and racialized women who are survivors of violence, and we strive in the elimination of all forms of abuse against women.

Through the generosity and dedication of our donors we have accomplished:

  • 1713 telephone language interpretation and translation assignments
  • 4220 hours of direct services in our crisis and counseling program
  • Cared for 292 children through our Care for Newcomer Children program
  • 36 meetings with 563 people bringing awareness of zero tolerance towards VAW
  • Delivering successful skills building programs to 2089 immigrant and racialized women
  • Delivery of milk and vegetables to be offered to immigrant women experiencing food insecurity
  • Reduced wait times for children seeking counselling who have witnessed violence
  • Hiring a full time counsellor for our Children Who Witness Violence Program
  • Graduating three cohorts  of women through our Sewing for Success Industrial Sewing Program
  • Reducing the systemic barriers that vulnerable and marginalized women face in Ottawa



See what your legacy could be

Talk to Immigrant Women Services Ottawa (IWSO) about a legacy gift

Legal Name

Immigrant Women Services Ottawa

Charity Number

13197 6581 RR0001

How your gift will be used

Thank you for considering a legacy gift to support our work. Your generous contribution, even if not designated for a specific purpose, will have a profound impact on the lives of those we serve.

When a legacy gift is unrestricted, it provides IWSO with the flexibility to allocate funds where they are most needed at any given time.

Currently, our primary focus areas include:

  • Crisis and Counseling Services
  • Settlement and Integration Services
  • Language and Interpretation Services

By leaving your gift unrestricted, you empower us to address the most pressing needs as they arise, ensuring that your legacy has the greatest possible impact on those who need it most. Your gift will provide vital support across these essential programs, making a lasting difference in the lives of countless immigrant women and children.

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