Giving Children a Healthy Future: The Most Generous of Legacies

By Fondation CHU Sainte-Justine

Donor gives back to children's hospital with a gift in his Will.

Robert Pichette first came into contact with Sainte-Justine 45 years ago, when his three-year- old son  was referred to the hospital by their family doctor for some worrisome symptoms.

“I still remember how quickly the team of caring professionals sprang into action. They    
diagnosed him with meningitis almost immediately,” he says. “Thanks to the excellent care he received, he pulled through without any lasting complications.”

Mr. Pichette considers himself a very fortunate person, even though he lost the love of his life to bone  cancer four years ago. He decided to retire shortly after she was diagnosed so he could look after her  and enjoy every moment by her side, until the very end.

“My wife was an exceptional woman. When she gave, she gave with her whole heart,” he remembers. “Her generosity always inspired me. It’s still inspiring me now.”

Making a mark    

Mr. Pichette contacted the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation to honour his late wife’s memory with a 
donation in his will. He wants to ensure that his support for a cause that has meant so much to both of  them over the years, lives on long after he is gone.

Community support has been key to Sainte-Justine’s growth and development for over 115 years. As Canada’s largest mother-and-child teaching hospital, and one of the top pediatric centres in North America, Sainte-Justine provides specialized care to children and mothers-to-be from across Quebec.

When a child is admitted to Sainte-Justine, an array of resources spring into action. The generosity of  donors helps to support these resources and ensures that every patient receives the best care and most  cutting-edge expertise…no matter what.     

Will donations enable Sainte-Justine to continue to act on the latest scientific discoveries and offer the  best care to children. They help our teams to act quickly and with maximum impact.

Mr. Pichette’s personal experience made it clear to him that children don’t belong in a hospital — 
they should be at home with their families, learning, playing and running around. That’s why he    
wants to help the teams at Sainte-Justine to continue providing the best possible care to young 
patients from all over the province, just as they did for his son.     

Making a positive impact on future generations of children.

“Life has been very good to me, and now it’s my turn to pay it forward. We never really know what we leave behind us, but I’m convinced that having a positive impact on multiple generations of children is a beautiful legacy. Children are our future.”    

With his future gift, Mr. Pichette hopes to inspire others to support the Foundation. “If my story touches someone and gets them to make a donation, I will have accomplished even more than I  had hoped.”  

Learn how leaving a gift in your Will works.