Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada enables life-changing mentorship relationships to ignite the power and potential of young people. Comprised of 95+ member agencies serving more than 1,100 communities across Canada, each year we help over 41,000 young people access the transformative benefits of mentoring relationships with caring, trained volunteers.
Our national organization provides services and programs to our membership agencies to assist them in their work with parents, caregivers, school communities, mentees and volunteers. The National Office is a registered Canadian charity and is accredited through the Imagine Canada Strong Charities Standards Program
Our Impact
Many children and youth in Canada struggle with societal barriers and face adversities in their lives. Facing prolonged adversity creates toxic stress in the brain that can negatively affect development. With the ongoing support of a trained adult mentor through this consistent, trusting relationship, these risks can be reduced or even avoided. Your support means that children and youth in Canada can reach their full potential.
Every $1 invested in our programming returns between $18-$23 to society through taxes, higher incomes, volunteerism, and charitable donations.