Inglis Education Foundation supporting King’s-Edgehill School



Will Power is a national public education effort designed to inspire more Canadians to make a significant impact on the causes they care about, with a gift in their Will to charity.

The Inglis Education Foundation, formed in 2012, replaced the King’s-Edgehill School Alumni Association (KESAA). The Foundation exists for the purpose of providing for the well-being of King’s-Edgehill School. This page is designed for you to explore the opportunity of leaving a gift in your will and the impact you can have on King’s-Edgehill School.

The Inglis Education Foundation:

  • Monitors and grows the Alumni endowment funds
  • Supports scholarships and academic excellence at King’s-Edgehill School
  • Promotes Alumni relations by encouraging connections between Alumni and the School

Our Impact

Thanks to the financial contributions of generous donors, King’s-Edgehill School is able to maintain and grow an endowment that will impact future generations. The endowment works to support King’s-Edgehill School by:

  • Providing scholarships and financial aid to deserving students
  • Allowing room in the operations budget for improved campus facilities
  • Supporting the legacy of excellence in education as Canada’s first independent school established in 1788


See what your legacy could be

Talk to Inglis Education Foundation supporting King’s-Edgehill School about a legacy gift

Legal Name

Inglis Education Foundation

Charity Number

891615668 RR0001

How your gift will be used




Begin building the foundation of your legacy today. By making a gift in your will to the Inglis Education Foundation, you are making a King’s-Edgehill education accessible to more and more students.  We are passionate about helping students attend King’-Edgehill School though developing a strong Financial Aid and Scholarship program.

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Your potential gift


Charity gift

% of your estate


Gift to loved ones

% of your estate

Get help planning a gift in your Will