Nova Scotia SPCA



The Nova Scotia SPCA is a registered charity that helps pets in need. Proudly a no-kill organization, the Nova Scotia SPCA focuses on rescuing pets from homelessness, abuse, and abandonment and providing them with shelter, medical care, rehabilitation, and re-homing opportunities.

As the only charity organization in the province with legal authority to enforce the Animal Protection Act, we work with and for the community to end to animal cruelty.

The Nova Scotia SPCA operates six animal shelters (Cape Breton, Pictou, Colchester, Dartmouth, Kings, Yarmouth), three hospitals, one medical clinic, the Nova Scotia College of Animal Welfare and progressive programs to support the community, including:

Pet Pantry – available at all of six shelters, the Pet Pantry is for families who need temporary assistance affording pet food or litter.

Paws & Support – Paws & Support is a free program for dogs, cats, and critters while their owners are seeking short-term in-hospital treatment, transitioning out of domestic violence relationships, or securing new housing.

Palliative Care – animals are often surrendered to shelters because of their age and health conditions. Their cost of care is expensive, but they still have a zest for life.  The Palliative Care Program allows senior pets with manageable health concerns to live out the rest of their lives in loving foster care.

TNR – Trap, Neuter, Return benefits the whole community. Young kittens and friendly cats are taken and cared for until they’re ready to find a forever home.  Feral cats, happier living outside, are humanely trapped, spayed/neutered, ear-tipped and returned to their local colony or a barn home.

Our Impact

The Nova Scotia SPCA cares for more than 15,000 animals annually. Homeless animals that come into our care receive medical treatment, training, comfort and love as we work to find them a home that best fits their needs.

Our goal is to keep more pets in loving homes. Veterinary services and progressive programs are key tools in keeping pets safe, happy, and healthy.

The SPCA ensures essential medical care to every animal that comes through our doors.  Through our veterinary hospitals and clinics, we are able to perform surgeries and treat in-house, keeping costs as low as possible.

We are proud to establish the SPCA Veterinary Hospital in Dartmouth which is the first full-service, social enterprise hospital in eastern Canada.

The Nova Scotia SPCA does not receive government funding to support our shelters. For nearly 150 years, the Nova Scotia SPCA has been funded by compassionate animal lovers, like you, through donations and legacy gifts.

From cruelty to abandonment – and everything else in between – every pet at the Nova Scotia SPCA has a story.  Kind-hearted donors help change their story into a happily-ever-after.

See what your legacy could be

Talk to Nova Scotia SPCA about a legacy gift

Legal Name

The Nova Scotia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty

Charity Number

134 704 741 RR0001

How your gift will be used

Make Your Love for Animals Last Forever

When you sit down to write your will and reflect on everyone and everything dearest to you over the years, are animals on your list?

If you’ve ever experienced a pet’s unconditional love, please consider honouring them by including a gift to the Nova Scotia SPCA in your will.

Because we do not receive government funding for animal care, it is entirely thanks to kind-hearted people, like you, that we are still here helping animals after 146 years. Whether it is a specific bequest or residual gift, everything makes a real difference.

Knowing about future estate gifts, gives us the security to act immediately when emergencies happen. When a disaster strikes, like the recent wildfires, promises of support mean that we can provide comfort and care right away and for as long as families need us.

From the most basic necessities like food and safety, to veterinary care and lifesaving medicine, your gift gives animals the healing they need and the love they deserve.  You will be their guardian angel.


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Charity gift

% of your estate


Gift to loved ones

% of your estate

Get help planning a gift in your Will

Make your Will online with Epilogue and leave a gift to Nova Scotia SPCA