Calgary Catholic Education Foundation



“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.” — Proverbs 22:6

The Calgary Catholic Education Foundation is a Canadian registered charity that provides enhanced learning opportunities through classroom and school grants. In partnership with our supporters and funders, The CCEF ensures that students will benefit from these gifts in publicly funded Catholic education for generations to come.

Our Mission

The Foundation is focused on enriching the educational experience of students in the Calgary Catholic School District.

Our Vision

Together with our community, the Foundation supports opportunities for Catholic students to develop into tomorrow’s citizens.

Our Values

Education, Opportunity, Caring, Hope, Faith. We believe…

  • Education is everyone’s business and everyone’s responsibility
  • We can empower students through quality educational opportunities
  • All students should be connected to safe, caring and engaging learning environments
  • In working together, with hope, towards ideals, dreams can be achieved
  • Our faith is at the heart of understanding who we are and our place in the world

Our Impact

Our primary goal is to provide financial assistance for enhancement programs in the schools of the Calgary Catholic School District, programs which greatly benefit and leave lasting impressions on the students. Since 2009, through the dedication, generosity and tenacity of a volunteer board and the Catholic Community, Calgary Catholic Schools have received more than $3.4 million in grants.

Some examples of these programs include:

  • Leadership, Stewardship and Citizenship – Grow Towers in Schools
  • Social Justice Projects – Medicine Wheels
  • Safe, Caring and Faith-Filled Schools – School Chapel Enhancement
  • Technology – STEAM Projects
  • Campus Calgary/Open Minds ®
  • Playgrounds
  • Scholarships

When you leave a legacy gift to the Calgary Catholic Education Foundation, you help to ensure that students will benefit from the gift of enhanced learning opportunities in publicly funded Catholic education for generations to come.

There is no better gift we can leave behind than the gift of education.

See what your legacy could be

Talk to Calgary Catholic Education Foundation about a legacy gift

Legal Name

Calgary Catholic Education Foundation

Charity Number

820582294 RR 0001

How your gift will be used

Legacy Giving

Your legacy is one of the most impactful decisions in your lifetime — a chance to ensure your values are carried into the future. When you leave a legacy gift to the CCEF, you help to ensure that students will benefit from the gift of enhanced learning opportunities in publicly funded Catholic education for generations to come.

You choose how your legacy gift is to be used that is most meaningful to you:

  • Provide opportunities to students today to ensure they have the tools needed to succeed
  • As an alumni, you want to direct your gift to your alma mater
  • Establish a scholarship for a school or field of study to be pursued in post-secondary
  • Create an endowment to make a lasting impact for generations
  • Direct funding to an area that is meaningful to you such as STEAM, Playgrounds, Theatre
  • Provide program funding such as Campus Calgary/Open Minds ®

Wherever you decide to give your gift, or if you leave your gift undesignated to support the highest priorities, we promise that we will ensure your wishes are honoured.

We’d welcome the opportunity to speak with you further about creating a meaningful and lasting legacy for Calgary Catholic students and schools.

Calculate your potential gift

Your potential gift


Charity gift

% of your estate


Gift to loved ones

% of your estate

Get help planning a gift in your Will

Make your Will online with Epilogue and leave a gift to Calgary Catholic Education Foundation