Since 1974, Beacon has been dedicated to providing social support, and today, our impactful services extend their reach to thousands of people in the South Island and Gulf Islands, creating a lasting and positive impact across every phase of life.
We provide a comprehensive range of services to a diverse population of people in need. We call the support we give “wraparound services”—this term reflects our commitment to assisting individuals throughout their entire life, from birth to the end.
We dedicate ourselves to:
- Helping keep children, youth and families healthy, strong and connected;
- Offering shelter and housing supports to youth and young adults;
- Sheltering seniors and people with disabilities in safe, affordable housing;
- Supporting seniors to stay social, active, healthy and energized;
- Equipping people to develop skills and find opportunities in the world of work;
- Supporting emotional wellness;
- Connecting volunteers with our community; and
- Caring for those in need.
Our Impact
2023 Highlights & Achievements
118 People found work through our employment services
135 People housed via care homes, assisted living, and subsidized housing
175 At-risk youth supported by homelessness prevention and shelter services
334 Licensed childcare spaces provided in Greater Victoria
2,433 Drives to medical appointments
2,935 Client homes cleaned
4,376 Seniors benefited from SHOAL Centre programs
17,740 Meals served in the More Than Meals program