Children's Health Foundation

Children’s Health Foundation



The best care for children who are ill, close to home – that is the thought that launched the legacy of Children’s Health Foundation.

Established in 1922, Children’s Health Foundation impacts more than 57,000 children each year, across Western Ontario, from Windsor to London and Kitchener-Waterloo, and up north to Thunder Bay and beyond.

Our Foundation is proud to create lasting change through support of three outstanding partners in health care: Children’s Hospital at London Health Sciences Centre, TVCC and Children’s Health Research Institute (CHRI).

Hand-in-hand with our donors, we are strengthening and transforming paediatric health care for London and our region. Because every child deserves the best chance to overcome sickness and discover what they’re uniquely capable of achieving.

We all want our loved ones to thrive. That’s why your support of Children’s Health Foundation is so important.

Our Impact

Your support to Children’s Health Foundation will make a powerful impact on over 57,000 children who seek treatment at Children’s Hospital. Last year, nearly 1,000 fragile babies depended on specialized equipment funded almost entirely by donations.

At TVCC, the focus is to see ability over disability. Last year, nearly 14,000 clients received rehabilitation at TVCC and benefited from programs that are strengthened through donor generosity.

And at CHRI, Canada’s third largest hospital-based child health research institute, nearly 160 scientists and associate scientists were able to conduct research and write over 590 peer reviewed publications.

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Talk to Children’s Health Foundation about a legacy gift

Legal Name

Children’s Health Foundation

Charity Number

11885 2482 RR0001

How your gift will be used

When you donate, you are ensuring better childhoods for kids facing challenges and serious health issues and hope, relief and support for those who love them. Your gift will help save lives and improve children’s health and quality of life.

Your gift can help make possible:

  • Specialized and state-of-the-art equipment at Children’s Hospital.
  • Many care-enhancing programs at Children’s Hospital like Child Life, Music Therapy, Art Therapy and the Therapeutic Clown.
  • Programs and therapeutic services for children with disabilities like the Adapted Fitness Centre, Splinting and Casting and Kids on the Block at TVCC.
  • Ground-breaking research to prevent and treat childhood disease and injury around the world at Children’s Health Research Institute.

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