Community Foundation Grey Bruce

Community Benefit


Community Foundation Grey Bruce (CFGB) encourages endowment building and facilitates philanthropic partnerships within all communities in Grey and Bruce, now and for future generations. Our foundation supports residents of Grey Bruce through strategic granting to community projects lead by local nonprofit organizations. We are also committed to enhancing the education of Grey Bruce youth by connecting them with scholarships, bursaries, and awards.

In addition to this, CFGB provides leadership in convening crucial discussions and identifying pressing community issues. We actively participate in the life of the community, continually engage in consultation and discussion, track and report on local and national trends, and respond to change.

Our Impact

Currently we manage over $21 million in community assets and have granted over $7.8 million to community projects since founded in 1994.

We grant across the spectrum of community life, supporting organizations and programs that are making a difference within Grey Bruce and students pursuing diverse educational pathways.

We enhance community vitality by:

  • fostering open discussion about local need
  • sharing knowledge
  • growing endowments

See what your legacy could be

Talk to Community Foundation Grey Bruce about a legacy gift

Legal Name

Community Foundation Grey Bruce

Charity Number


How your gift will be used

Whether small or large, your gift can make a significant impact to the Foundation’s investment pool, which provides income that is distributed as grants to nonprofit organizations across Grey Bruce. You donation will contribute to important projects and programs for residents in their local communities.

With a donation to CFGB, you become part of a group that believes in building a vital and healthy community for all people in Grey and Bruce counties.

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Your potential gift


Charity gift

% of your estate


Gift to loved ones

% of your estate

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