The Victoria Foundation

Community Benefit


The Victoria Foundation started with humble beginnings: one person, with the simple idea of starting an organization with a solid source of funds that could provide support to charities throughout our region. The person was Burges Gadsden, and the year was 1936, when he founded the Victoria Foundation out of the Sunshine Inn, a soup kitchen he ran on Pandora Avenue. And over the years, residents of Greater Victoria, like Burges Gadsden, have always shared a strong sense of community. One where we work together and support each other as we create a vibrant, caring community for all. At the Victoria Foundation, that means we identify, create, support and lead initiatives, in partnership with community and donors like you, that strengthen the charitable sector and generate long-term transformative change.

Our Impact

The Victoria Foundation received its first gift of $20 in 1937 from Mrs. Fannie Gadsden, the mother of our founder, Burges Gadsden. Today, the Victoria Foundation holds more than 640 endowment and long-term funds — each one representing individuals and families who believe in generating a positive impact in our community. Each of these individuals works closely with the Victoria Foundation to determine the impact they want to have in community. Whether your passion is to support the arts, health­-related programs, the environment, social justice or one of many other cause areas, when you leave a gift in your Will to the Victoria Foundation, our team will ensure that your gift supports the causes that matter most to you.

See what your legacy could be

Talk to The Victoria Foundation about a legacy gift

Legal Name

The Victoria Foundation

Charity Number


How your gift will be used

The Victoria Foundation can help you have a lasting impact. Your gift is as individual as you are. It reflects your values and hopes for the community. We offer a range of giving options to help you give with confidence. With one gift in your Will, you can support your chosen charities through the annual grants from your fund. Or, you can support urgent needs and new opportunities for local charities through our granting program. Whether you want to support an organization in your neighbourhood or a registered charity anywhere in Canada, we can help you.

Calculate your potential gift

Your potential gift


Charity gift

% of your estate


Gift to loved ones

% of your estate

Get help planning a gift in your Will