ALS Society of BC

Health, Social Service


The ALS Society of BC was founded in 1981 by ALS patients, their family members and healthcare professional to meet the physical and emotional needs of people living with ALS and their caregivers.

Mission Statement

The ALS Society of BC is dedicated to providing direct support to ALS patients, along with their families and caregivers, to ensure the best quality of life possible while living with ALS.  By funding research, we are committed to finding the cause of, and cure for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Our goal is to end ALS through creating a world-class ALS Centre at UBC. 

The ALS Society of BC has three principal objectives:

  1. To provide direct support to patients, their families, and caregivers. This includes an equipment loan program.
  2. To raise funds for patient services and research, and
  3. To increase public awareness and understanding of ALS

Our Impact

  • Excellent support programs and clinical care for ALS patients living in BC
    • Everyone living with ALS, no matter where they live in BC, has equal opportunity to access patient and support programs of the Society to improve the patient’s quality of life, and their families and caregivers. Our support programs include: equipment loan, patient transportation support, psychological treatment, support group and care connect, and camp for children of ALS patients.
    • All ALS patients in BC have equal access to the best possible clinical care available. The Society continues to be the voice of ALS patients by advocating healthcare improvement and support to the local and national government, provincial healthcare system and other agencies and organizations.
  • ALS Research and Clinical Trials to improve quality of life
    • Advance ALS research in BC for possible treatment for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
    • Access to clinical trials in BC

See what your legacy could be

Talk to ALS Society of BC about a legacy gift

Legal Name

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Society of British Columbia

Charity Number

10670 8985 RR0001

How your gift will be used

A bequest to the ALS Society of BC is a simple and powerful way to be remembered.  It is a way to extend your compassion to people and families who will face an ALS diagnosis in the future and demonstrate your shared hope to improve their quality of life. It will also help the ALS Society of BC board of directors plan on the ALS community’s future in British Columbia.

Your gift will help us:

  • Continue and improve the ALS Society of BC support services and programs; equipment loan, psychological treatment, patient transport support, etc.
  • Advancement of ALS research in the province, our goal is a world without ALS.
  • Help explore other initiatives and collaborate with other agencies to improve patients’ quality of life, and their families and caregivers

Show the power of hope to those people living with ALS in British Columbia. 

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