Rossbrook House Foundation

Social Service


Rossbrook House Foundation’s sole purpose is to financially assist Rossbrook House in conducting its programs and operations.

Created in 2006, the Foundation exists to help Rossbrook House respond to the growing need to provide a safe place and services to children and youth coming through its doors.

Rossbrook House Foundation provides supporters of the mission of Rossbrook House with a vehicle to make financial contributions, including monthly giving, one-time gifts, bequests and more! These gifts will go directly to supporting the day to day programs and activities for Rossbrook House participants.

Rossbrook House…

In 1976 Sister Geraldine MacNamara and a group of inner city young people created Rossbrook House, a neighbourhood drop-in centre in the heart of Winnipeg with a simple mission: “No child who does not want to be alone, should ever have to be.

In the decades since, it has become a safe place for children and youth to belong, play, learn and become…

The youth who come to Rossbrook House are our future leaders and parents of the community. The programs harness the energy and creativity of the young people who drop in after school or on weekends. From learning to play guitar or basketball, from creating with art or in the kitchen, children and youth are encouraged to discover their strength, all while having a safe place to be.

The informal atmosphere at Rossbrook lends itself to spontaneous games of pool, cards, and board games. It’s where the kids can share a meal and meet new friends.

Our Impact

Rossbrook House staff come from the community of regular attenders. They have an empathy born from their own experiences growing up in community. Many of them receive their first job at Rossbrook House. They, in turn, become role models for the younger participants.

Rossbrook has impacted my life for the better and gave me many opportunities that have helped me grow into an independent young woman.” – Keisha, Former Participant & Junior Staff

Rossbrook House doors are open 365 days of the year and 24 hours weekends and all school holidays, with participants driven safely home each evening.

Rossbrook House is a place to keep you safe, kids get rides home. we go on outings and it’s a fun place. – Savannah, age 9

Over 1,000 children and youth ages 6-24 come through the doors annually and up to 80 participants daily. Rossbrook House has three alternative school programs, an after-school learning program, young mom’s group, recreational activities, Indigenous cultural activities, leadership activities, and a music program. The healthy kitchen program provides daily meals while teaching about healthy eating and cooking.

The hopes, dreams and ideas of the youth are what determine the programs and direction of the centre.

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Legal Name

Rossbrook House Foundation Inc.

Charity Number

80761 4078 RR0001

How your gift will be used

Your gift will ensure that children and youth living in the inner-city of Winnipeg continue to have a safe place where they meet their needs for socialization, recreation, and personal development.

Your gift will help support programs such as:

  • Music Program – where young people can express themselves in many mediums.
  • White Sash Keepers – fostering positive cultural identity, a greater sense of belonging and personal self-esteem.
  • Healthy Kitchen Program – providing two healthy & delicious meals a day.
  • Learning Always – providing supportive, enriching activities that help participants with reading, math, and spelling. Including learning cultural teachings and discussions about feelings, self-care and their personal rights.
  • Young Mothers’ Program – providing an encouraging and caring group for young mothers (ages 15-25) to learn new skills, relax and nurture their families.

Rossbrook House provides many opportunities to many people. There is lots of friendly, welcoming staff. It’s a place for everyone to go. The staff push you to set and reach goals and help to build self esteem for the children. My sons have been helped in so many ways and have learned so many skills with the help from Rossbrook House. – Shannon, mom of participants

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